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365 Days of Stitches…update

Hey All,

Thought I would update you on my progress with the 365 Days of Stitches project. So full disclosure, I haven’t stitched every day although I’ve been way more devoted to this project than the the “eating clean” project I also pledged to follow… ugh… It’s been really nice to have my hoop around to pick up when I have a minute or I’m having a “moment” and need a break from it all. Some of the stitches I added because they are just pretty or fun, but some of them have real meaning for me. Here are a few…

On St. Paddy’s Day, I decided to include a celtic knot to the center of the piece. I was born in Dublin, Ireland and while my family left there when I was 4 years old it’s always been “home” to us…so it seemed appropriate that an Irish symbol be included in an important way.


Needle-point project

Then there is my new little kitchen companion …a ladybug hangs out in my my kitchen by the sink and has been there for weeks now. She makes me smile every morning. And yeah, yeah, I know one of the ladybug’s eye is “buggy”.  I’m trying to embrace imperfection in my life…:)  So sticking with the “Irish” theme, I thought I would add some gaelic…I used to know a fair bit of it, but as with everything you don’t use, it moved on and out of my brain. The words I stitched are “pa comhionann” which means “equal pay”.  Being the mom of two girls and a former corporate hack myself, the concept of “equal pay” is such a no brainer!  We constitute over half of the citizens of this country.   Seriously, what the hell people???Needle-point project ladybug


I’m embroidering it on other stuff too like my denim jacket…looks pretty and it makes a statement as people invariably ask me what it means.  By the way, that’s Sulky printable sticky fabric stabilizer.  It’s so easy to work with…you can print anything onto the paper, stick it onto your fabric, embroider over it and then wet to make it disappear!  You can find it on Amazon here.  


Needle-point projectSo here the hoop so far…lots of white space to go but now I’m into it.  If you are going to do this, stick with it.  It took me a week or so to feel committed.  Making some of my stitches meaningful helped and makes it all the more fun.  If any of you are stitching, send pics!!!

Needle-point projectTake some creative time for you.


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