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The importance of creativity in YOUR life….
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone told me they have no creative talent. It drives me mad because the truth is, in some way everyone is creative. I am not talking about making stunning, fine art pieces, creativity can take the form of using your imagination throughout your daily business and personal lives. Sir Kenneth Robinson is a speaker and international advisor on education in the arts for to governments, non-profits, educational and arts bodies in the UK. It is worth watching his exceptional TED talks on the need for creativity in education. He explains, quite simply, that “Creativity involves putting your imagination to work. In a sense, creativity is applied imagination.”
As an art teacher, my personal relationship with art and experience in the classroom has convinced me that creativity is integral to the human experience. Creativity can provide balance, clarity of mind, joy and an overall sense of calm. My experience has taught me that when students focus more on creating with a curious mind, and focus less on creating a successful end result, they are able to relax more and enjoy the creative process. Sir Kenneth Robinson agrees when he says, “The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak; when you’re present in the current moment; when you’re resonating with the excitement of this thing that you’re experiencing; when you are fully alive.” This is what creativity can bring to your life whether your write, knit, paint, draw, sing, make pottery, etc. The outcome of your work is not relevant for positive well being . What is relevant is that you create!
Creativity enriches our lives. In fact, research shows that engaging in creative behaviors improve brain function, mental, emotional and physical health. For more facts, check out this article from Forbes Magazine.
Take some time for yourself and create! Creating doesn’t mean just putting pen to paper to master drawing. There are so many ways to explore your
creativity. Just put your imagination to work. Here are some ideas to help you get started:
- Take a knitting, sewing or embroidery class
- Try gardening–nature explores color better than any artist!
- Take a cooking class
- Try a dance class
- Learn a musical instrument
- Take a painting or sculpture class
- Woodworking
- Just doodle–try zentangling…
- Start a creative writing journal
- Look up DIY projects on pinterest and see what sparks your imagination
- Don’t just do a crossword puzzle, make your own crossword puzzle!
Remember, creativity is the best therapy for your mind and wellbeing.