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Color Chart Workshop with Artist, Beth Rundquist (Apr. 25 & 26)

Apr 25 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every day that begins at 10:00 am, repeating until April 26, 2025


The most common question Beth is asked in class is ‘how do I mix this color’ or ‘how did you get that color’?  The answer- it takes time and experience to instinctively know how to get an exact color, and usually there is more than one way to mix a color!  In this 2-day Color Chart Workshop using oil paints, Beth will lead students in exercises in color and provide invaluable references that will help you understand how to mix the exact color you require in a painting.  The student will come away with a much deeper knowledge of each specific color, color relationships, color mixing and the distinct hues and values of each individual color.  Also, teacher led conversions will touch on color theory and the history of color.

After over 25 years of painting,  Beth is still dazzled by the art of mixing paint and how colors react to one another. In this class we will explore a range of tints (color diluted with white) of the basic colors on the palette. Then students will get into the mixing of colors and the range of tints ( color diluted with white)  created from the mixed colors.  This is fun and easy and attendees will come away with an invaluable tool – multiple charts you can reference for any future project.  And, if you add colors to your palette in the future, you will have the skills to create new charts.  During the 2 days, you will create 4-6 color mixing charts.

Included in the cost of this class:

  • 6 color charts (a $56 value)
  • Your own small, palette knife for mixing
  • Palette paper for mixing

Students can bring their own oil paints. The materials list is below. If students don’t have the own paints or would prefer to use ours, you can use A Maker’s Circle oil paints for an additional materials fee of $15 which you can pay for on day one of the workshop.   A materials list of oil paints will be provided upon sign up if you are bringing your own paints.

Not required, but a nice addition to your learning is the following book, Color ~ A Natural History of the Palette, by Victoria Finlay. It is available here.

All levels of painters are welcome.


Materials List

Color Chart Workshop, Beth Rundquist

The following Oil Paint Colors are on my Palette.  I like to use the Gamblin Brand. They make an excellent student grade called ‘1980’.

(Bring any additional colors you may have and want to explore)

Cadmium Lemon Yellow

Cadmium Yellow Medium

Yellow Ochre

Raw Sienna

Burnt Sienna

Cadmium Red

Alizarin Crimson

Cobalt Blue

Ultramarine Blue


Ivory Black

**Titanium  White


 Check out Beth’s website here.


Apr 25
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:
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A Maker’s Circle Studio
8 Hacklebarney Road
Pottersville, NJ 07979 United States
+ Google Map


a maker’s circle


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Color Chart Workshop with Beth Rundquist
The most common question Beth is asked in class is ‘how do I mix this color’ or ‘how did you get that color’?  The answer- it takes time and experience to instinctively know how to get an exact color and usually there is more than one way to mix a color!  In this 2-day Color Chart Workshop, I will lead students in exercises in color and provide invaluable references that will help you understand how to mix the exact color you require.  The student will come away with a much deeper knowledge of each specific color, color relationships, color mixing and the distinct hues and values of each individual color.  Also, teacher led conversions will touch on color theory and the history of color.
$ 295.00
18 available
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